
Published Aug. 23, 2011 4:18 PM

The book Young Migrants: Exclusion and Belonging in Europe will be published on 25 November 2011 by Palgrave MacMillan. This is the second book of the EUMARGINS project (the first one was published by Ashgate in June 2010). This current book is based on analyses of 250 lifestory interviews with young adult migrants and descendants living in seven European countries. The book chapters make cross-national analysis of the material focusing on themes like migration, work, education, political and civic participation as well as on feelings of identity and belonging. 

Published Aug. 23, 2011 4:12 PM

The anthology Mange ulike metoder (Many Different Methods) (edited by EUMARGINS scientific coordinator Katrine Fangen and Ann-Mari Sellerberg), has been published simultaneously in Norway (by Gyldendal Akdemisk) and Sweden (by Förlaget studentliteratur).One of the chapters written by Katrine Fangen gives a description of the way we have collaborated cross national borders and the way we have coded and analysed this large qualitative comparative material in EUMARGINS. The chapter is titled 'Analyse og organisering av et stort livshistoriemateriale: Komparative kvalitative prosjekter' ('Analysis and organization of a large life story material: Comparative Qualitative Projects'). The book is now available in book stores in Norway, and can also be ordered online on the publisher's webpage.

Published Sep. 23, 2010 2:36 PM

The EUMARGINS project, led by Katrine Fangen has just had its first book published by Ashgate. 'Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Migrants in Europe - Barriers and Bridges' explores the inclusion and exclusion of young adult immigrants across a range national contexts, including the Nordic welfare states, old colonial countries, Southern European nations and the Eastern European region. Scrutinising legal, policy and historical sources, as well as participation in labour market and education systems, this volume engages with multiple social arenas and spheres, to integrate research and provide a cohesive investigation of the dynamics of each national setting.

Published Sep. 22, 2010 2:01 PM

In the book entitled 'Metodene våre - Eksempler fra samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning' (published by Universitetsforlaget in 2010) EUMARGINS' project leader Katrine Fangen has written a chapter about the methodological framework of EUMARGINS. The chapter presents the methodology and gives practical examples from the research project, and as such sheds light upon important challenges and methodological dilemmas.